Term 4 Dance & Drama: School Production

I am learning to:

Complete a dance routine for our School Production. Chubby Checker’s Let’s Twist Again from the 1960’s

I can do this when I can:

Learn the specific steps to a dance
Keep in time to the music
Follow instructions

Value Focus: Excellence

Term 3 Reading

Joshua knows a good reader stops at a full stop and takes a breath.

Term 3 Gymnastics

I am learning to:

Recognise and show different gymnastic shapes and to use these shapes in a simple sequence involving movement

Success Criteria:

I will be able to show a stretch, straddle, tuck and pike and use them in a simple movement sequence


"I found gymnastics boring." said Joshua. "I liked the warm up game Dead Ants but not when I got tagged."

Term 3 Mihi

WAre Learning To:

 Introduce ourselves, our family, friends and teachers in Maori

Suceess Criteria: 

We will be able to say our name. The name of our mum  and dad. The name of one friend. The name of our teacher and principal.

Ka Pai Joshua

Term 4 Writing

We Are Learning To….

Write a recount of a Maori Legend

Write a beginning middle and end

Use adjectives and similes in our writing

Success Criteria:

We will have……

Recounted the Maori Legend Tane and the Stars using our own words

Written a beginning, middle and end

We would have included adjectives and one simile in our story

Teacher's Comment:

Wonderful writing Joshua. You retold this legend using four details. Well done. Your writing this year has developed really well. It is wonderful to see you so keen to write. Ka Pai.

Term 4 Discovery

I enjoy working on the ipods and ipads at Discovery Time. Mrs Winton captured me reading a book the other day at Discovery while I was waiting for my turn on an ipad. She was very impressed.

Term 4 Music

WAre Learning To:

Keep the beat using percussion instruments

Success Criteria: 

We will keep in time to the beat of a song using drums and shakers

2013 Care Values Evaluation

Oaklands School CARE Values

I show our school CARE value COMMUNITY by being kind to Jack.

I show our school CARE value Active Thinking by reading sensibly to Mrs Smith.

I show our school CARE value Respect by listening.

I show our school CARE value Excellence by doing my best work.

Term 3 Numeracy

I am learning to:

· count objects in a set up to 10 and then 20

Success Criteria:

· I will be able to count correctly the number in a set    

Teacher's Comment:
Ka Pai Joshua. You have worked hard during your maths lessons throughout the year. Well done.